ABOUT US imageABOUT US imageABOUT US image
Welcome to A-grostock, your leading partner in the livestock export and import industry. We specialize in the global trade of high-quality livestock, ensuring ethical standards and compliance. We are committed to providing a seamless trading experience backed by expertise and unparalleled customer support. Become an A-grostock partner and equip your farms with the best livestock breeding opportunities from European markets 
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At A-grostock, your trusted source of European lambs in global export markets. Our company prides itself on sourcing only the best, ethically bred lambs from well-maintained farms across Europe. Animal Husbandry is committed to environmental sustainability and animal welfare, ensuring that all of our lambs are healthy and of top quality. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet the diverse needs of our international clientele, making us a popular choice for businesses looking for reliable lamb export services.
At A-grostock, we specialize in offering top-level pregnant heifers that meet the needs of modern dairy farms. Our selection process is rigorous and includes a detailed health assessment to guarantee your investment in excellent livestock. Trust us to supply you with heifers that will boost your milk production and genetic line and set new standards in the industry.
Explore the world of bulls with A-grostock, your go-to destination for all bull needs. Our commitment to quality and customer service sets us apart in livestock production. We offer a wide range of products tailored to improve the health and productivity of your bulls. Trust A-grostock to equip you with the best supplies the market has to offer, backed by expert advice and unwavering support.
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Discover the best beef carcasses ,HALAL ,and carcass quarters at A-grostock, where quality and taste meet excellence. Our carefully selected cuts are expertly prepared to meet the needs of discerning customers who demand nothing but the finest beef products. From tender steaks to succulent roasts, we offer a diverse range of premium beef options to elevate your kitchen creations. With A-grostock, you can trust that each cut is of the highest standard, sourced with integrity and delivered with care.
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At A-grostock, we specialize in alpha-alpha-based animal feed supplements, which are pioneers in innovations that promote animal health. Our expertise in nutrient-rich formulas helps livestock owners achieve optimal growth and health outcomes for their animals. Each product is manufactured under strict quality control measures to ensure the highest efficiency. Choose A-grostock for nutritional solutions that make a real difference.
Vítejte v MIRKO CARE, vašem důvěryhodném zdroji péče o zvířata a produktů se specializací na jalovice, býky a ovce. Díky dlouholetým zkušenostem v oboru jsme odhodláni poskytovat produkty nejvyšší kvality, abychom zajistili zdraví a pohodu vašich hospodářských zvířat. Náš komplexní sortiment zahrnuje krmiva, doplňky, nástroje pro péči o srst a zdravotnické produkty, které jsou navrženy tak, aby splňovaly specifické potřeby vašich zvěř. Ve společnosti MIRKO CARE věříme v důležitost dobrých životních podmínek zvířat a snažíme se podporovat farmáře a rančery po celém světě spolehlivými řešeními. Ať už jste malá farma nebo velký provoz, náš tým odborníků je zde, aby vám nabídl individuální poradenství a podporu. Svěřte se MIRKO CARE ve všech svých potřebách v oblasti péče o hospodářská zvířata a dovolte nám, abychom vám pomohli udržet prosperující a zdravé stádo.
  • Czech Republic
  • Rybná 716/24, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1

A-grostock s.r.o IČO 21643580